Wine Tasting Courses in Lille provided by Graduated Wine professionals

The Wine Tasting courses will be held in selected Prestigious Places in Lille (France), like the famous Hotel Hermitage Gantois.

Should you plan to travel to Lille, in the Northern part of France, do not miss the opportunity to organise a private French Wine Tasting Course. « Vins en Nord » provides Private Wine Tasting Courses in Lille, France, animated by Graduated Wine specialists. Wine Experts of the « Vins en Nord » Network will be pleased to teach you the fundamentals of French Wine making and guide you to a journey throughout French Wine regions by Tasting Typical and selected High Quality French Wines. Many different Wine Tasting Themes may be realised : The Art of Wine Tasting, Grands Crus, Focus on one producing Region (Bordeaux, Bourgogne, Rhône Valley…), or even more playful like a Wine Casino ! Your Tasting Event will be run by one of our Wine Experts :

Sophie Hocqueloux

Sophie Hocqueloux

Wine Waiter

Professional Wine Waiter, Sophie Hocqueloux practised in prestigious restaurant in the Northof France and is advisor for local Wine sellers. She has got many different expertises : specialized in pairing food and Wine, she knows a lot about Wine and Spirits. She will be able to provide high level class on Wine tasting iniation, Wine Pairing or the secrets of Whisky and Rum. Fun and practice, these are the most powerful pieces of advice she can give for self-improvement in Wine tasting !
  • Alsace 90% 90%
  • Languedoc 100% 100%
  • Wine & Food pairing 100% 100%
Charlotte Humez

Charlotte Humez

Wine Trainer

Gratuated in Wine & Spirit in one of the most Famous School in Bordeaux, Charlotte Humez than integrated the prestigious Wine and Spirit Education Trust (WSET) in London. She decided to start Working in Cognac, France and later on in The USA. Back to France, she became Trainer at the Paris Wine School. Excelling in precisely describing the features of many different wines, she is although trainer for Wine waitering schools. Her advice to properly Taste Wine ? Concentrate on your own sensations !
  • Rhône Valley 95% 95%
  • Languedoc 90% 90%
  • Bordeaux 100% 100%
Jean Baptiste Legallois

Jean Baptiste Legallois

Wine Trainer

Jean Baptiste completed professional training sessions at the Wine School in Burgundy (Bourgogne) in order to provide Wine Tasting Courses and trainings on Wine in Lille and the North of France. Gratuated in Sensorial Analysis by the official Wine school of Bureau Interprofessionnel des Vins de Bourgogne and CFPPA , the diploma allow to take part of official Wine Tasting jurys and jurys of Wine Quality Control in France. Relax, Taste and have a good time, you will take even more satisfaction !

  • Champagne & Sparkling 95% 95%
  • Burgundy 100% 100%
  • Bordeaux 90% 90%
Wine Casino Lille

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